Over the past few days, I have participated in local vigils with thousands of people, and I have tried to digest the unimaginable horrors inflicted upon innocent victims. As a wife, mother, and member of the Jewish community, my heart breaks, as I cannot comprehend the full scope of atrocities of what has unfolded. Hamas terrorists have intentionally and brutally targeted women, children, and the elderly in their unspeakable attacks and are now holding Israelis, Americans, and others hostage. The futures and dreams of hundreds of people will never be realized because of these senseless acts of terrorism. I pray for the victims of these heinous acts and their families, and I send strength to every human being whose life has been upended by these unthinkable acts. Every elected official must unequivocally condemn these atrocious acts of terrorism for we can't live in a society where murdering innocent civilians is tolerated or justified in any way. I stand with Israel.
SPRINGFIELD – Illinoisans will soon have annual mental health wellness visits covered under their insurance at no additional cost, thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Laura Fine.
“Much like annual checkups for your physical health, annual mental health visits allow specialists to identify or address underlying mental health concerns or new symptoms that may have come up in the past year,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Offering these annual visits at no additional cost will encourage people to treat their mental health as seriously as their physical health, and seek this form of health care that everyone can benefit from.”
House Bill 2847 requires health insurance plans under the Insurance Code, State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971, the Counties Code, the Illinois Municipal Code and the School Code to cover annual mental health checkups and wellness visits starting in 2025.
Read more: Fine’s law requires insurance to cover annual mental health visits
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Fine released the following statement after the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the General Assembly’s assault weapons ban:
“As a member of the community neighboring Highland Park, I saw up close the devastation these weapons can levy on our communities. I am grateful for the Illinois Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the assault weapons ban that will prevent further tragedies from taking place.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Fine and State Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz’s initiative to limit the consumption of single-use plastics and polystyrene by state agencies has just been signed into law. The Degradable Plastic Act, SB 58, prioritizes sustainability by banning the purchase or use of polystyrene or styrofoam by state agencies and universities by January 1, 2025.
“By finding environmentally friendly alternatives to styrofoam, this new law allows the state government to lead the way in protecting our environment,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Because it is so lightweight and easily breaks apart into smaller pieces, styrofoam tends to drift away. Since it is used so much in disposable packaging, polystyrene is one of the largest causes of global pollution.”
"For years, non-biodegrade pollutants like polystyrene have piled up in landfills, clogged bodies of water and left unsightly imprints on cities and towns across America. Banning these pollutants will prevent that contamination from spreading further," said Gong-Gershowitz (D-Glenview). "There is a lot more progress to make, but Illinois is committed to a greener future. Today we are taking a major step to crack down on this enduring threat to our environment."
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